Terms and Conditions of Use

In force as of 02/11/2022

The following list summarizes the terms used in these terms and conditions (T&Cs):

The purpose of these T&Cs is to provide a legal framework for the methods of making the SITE and services by the PUBLISHER available and to define the conditions of access and use of the services by the USER.

These T&Cs are available on the SITE under the heading "T&Cs".

Any registration on, or use of, the SITE implies the USER's unconditional and unrestricted acceptance of these T&Cs. When paying for their subscription, the CLIENT expressly accepts these T&Cs by checking the box provided for this purpose.

In the event of non-acceptance of the T&Cs stipulated in this contract, the USER must waive access to the services offered by the SITE.

The PUBLISHER reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these T&Cs at any time.

ARTICLE 1: Legal notices

See section "Legal notices" of the SITE homepage.

ARTICLE 2: Access to the SITE

The SITE is accessible free of charge in any place to any USER with Internet access. All costs incurred by the USER to access the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at their expense.

The SITE enables the VISITOR to search for EXHIBITIONS and to obtain EXHIBITION itineraries free of charge in a given city within 30 days from the day they first use the SITE. Since the EXHIBITION itineraries are limited to four EXHIBITIONS close to one another, the VISITOR will be able, in the majority of the cases, to complete the itineraries on foot within a reasonable time. To obtain EXHIBITION itineraries, the VISITOR needs to choose a date.

The SITE allows GALLERIES to publicize EXHIBITIONS, intended for VISITORS, and VIRTUAL EXHIBITIONS, intended for COLLECTORS and ARTISTS, and to search for COLLECTORS and ARTISTS.

The SITE allows COLLECTORS and ARTISTS to search the COLLECTIONS of the GALLERIES, through the EXHIBITIONS and VIRTUAL EXHIBITIONS they publicize, without having to specify a date or a place, in order to contact the GALLERY in question.

The SITE does not allow COLLECTORS and ARTISTS to make direct contact with each other.

Access to the SITE and its use for purposes other than those indicated above are prohibited.

To access the services, the CLIENT must log in using the CLIENT's user name and password, which are strictly personal. The CLIENT should refrain from disclosing any of this information, as the CLIENT will be held solely responsible for any use made of disclosed information.

The USER is able to contact the SITE by e-mail at the PUBLISHER's e-mail address provided in the section "Legal notices".

ARTICLE 3: Registration on the SITE

VISITORS are not required to register or pay a subscription.

CLIENTS must create an account on the SITE to benefit from the features intended for them. By agreeing to register, they undertake to provide true and accurate information. CLIENTS are responsible for updating the information they provide, which they can modify by connecting to their space.

The CLIENT must use an auto-complete list to fill in their city. If the city is not listed, they may contact the PUBLISHER with their full address.

Registration is accompanied by the payment of an annual subscription, the amount and terms and conditions of which are detailed in the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, and partially or totally included in the Fees section of the SITE homepage.

If the CLIENT does not pay their subscription or is not up to date with their subscription, they may be completely excluded from accessing the features of the site; or they may be granted access to all or some of the features with certain limitations, the scope of which the PUBLISHER may define or modify at any time without notice.

If the CLIENT benefits from a free trial offer when they register, their registration implies the unconditional and unrestricted acceptance of the T&Cs.

During the registration phase, the CLIENT must provide a username and password, which will allow them to connect to the SITE and use the features made available to them. This information is confidential, which the CLIENT should memorise or keep in a safe place. The PUBLISHER will not provide a reminder in case of loss.

The CLIENT will receive an e-mail containing a link valid for 24 hours, which they must click on to activate their account.

The CLIENT uses the SITE in their name only.

The CLIENT may not register more than once, whether in their own name or a different one.

The PUBLISHER reserves the right to delete the account of a CLIENT who is not up to date with their subscription.

The CLIENT may also request to unsubscribe by going to the relevant section in their personal space or by sending an email to webmaster@venividiarti.com. This will be effective within a reasonable time period.

In the event of non-compliance with the general terms and conditions of sale and/or use, the SITE will have the right to suspend or even close a CLIENT's account, if a formal notice sent by electronic means does not resolve the issues satisfactorily.

Any deletion of an account, for whatever reason, results in the complete deletion of all the CLIENT’s information and no refund of the subscription will be payable.

If the CLIENT's headquarters are located in the European Union (except France) and the CLIENT holds an intracommunity VAT number, the CLIENT must provide this number at the time of registration to benefit from tax-free invoicing. Providing a fictitious VAT number or one that does not belong to the CLIENT is prohibited and may lead to the deletion of the CLIENT's account, without the latter being able to claim a refund of the subscription or having any recourse against the PUBLISHER.

If a GALLERY uses the registration form or its profile editing form to specify an address different from its usual one, where it plans to present one or more off-site EXHIBITIONS, it may have its account deleted without notice with no refund of its subscription. The GALLERY may only specify the address of an off-site EXHIBITION by filling in the form for publicizing an EXHIBITION.

ARTICLE 4: Communication and publication of information by the CLIENT

The information concerned includes, but is not limited to, texts, visuals and hyperlinks.

To define an EXHIBITION, a GALLERY must provide at least the following information: the name of the artist, the discipline, the start and end dates. If the EXHIBITION brings together several artists, the GALLERY must use the publication form for each of them. The GALLERY may also include other information, such as technical and thematic criteria and visuals of the works exhibited. A VIRTUAL EXHIBITION is defined in the same way, but without start and end dates.

To define their artistic profile, an ARTIST must indicate their working discipline(s). They may also include other information, such as technical and thematic criteria and visuals of the works they have produced.

To define their artistic preferences, a COLLECTOR must indicate their preferred discipline(s). They may also combine other information, such as technical and thematic criteria and visuals of the works they hold.

Any content posted by the CLIENT is the sole responsibility of the CLIENT.

The CLIENT undertakes to communicate authentic, reliable, precise information whose content scrupulously respects intellectual property law.

The CLIENT shall refrain from communicating information that contains viruses or is likely to harm the PUBLISHER's information system.

The CLIENT shall refrain from communicating information that could constitute a form of duplication with other information.

The CLIENT shall refrain from communicating information that is likely to damage the image and/or reputation of the SITE or of the PUBLISHER.

The CLIENT shall refrain from posting online content that may harm the interests of third parties or offend the sensibilities of others, in particular content that is aggressive, anti-semitic, discriminatory, homophobic, negationist, paedophile, pornographic, racist, violent, xenophobic, or that promotes hatred, suicide, terrorism, violence, the practice of illegal activities or the commission of crimes or offences. Any legal action brought by an injured third party against the SITE shall be dealt with solely by the CLIENT.

Failure to comply with any of the preceding points of this article may result in the deletion of the CLIENT's account and of all information related to this account, without the CLIENT being able to claim any recourse against the PUBLISHER.

The CLIENT remains the owner of all their intellectual property rights. However, by publishing information on the SITE, the CLIENT grants the PUBLISHER the non-exclusive and free right to reproduce, adapt, transmit and distribute such information, directly or through an authorized third party, worldwide, on any medium (digital or physical), for the legal duration of the intellectual property right concerned. In particular, the CLIENT grants the right to use their publication on the Internet and on mobile telephone networks.

Among the interface elements available to a GALLERY to describe an EXHIBITION are text boxes, in which they can enter a text.

As the SITE is designed to be available in several languages, it is the GALLERY's responsibility to provide optional translations of this text in the forms provided for this purpose, either when first advertising an EXHIBITION or at a later date.

Translations must meet the same criteria as those applicable to the source text.

The CLIENT can communicate visuals.

The CLIENT undertakes to take all necessary measures concerning copyright and image rights related to the visuals and their content, in particular they undertake to obtain the consent of third parties whose intellectual property rights they use, and releases the PUBLISHER from any liability in the event of a claim related to non-compliance with these rights.

Unless legally required, the PUBLISHER shall refrain from communicating the visuals to a third party, and undertakes to use them only to illustrate the artistic profile defined by an ARTIST and accessed by a GALLERY, the artistic preferences defined by a COLLECTOR and accessed by a GALLERY, the EXHIBITIONS and the EXHIBITION itineraries accessed by a VISITOR, as well as the VIRTUAL EXHIBITIONS accessed by an ARTIST or COLLECTOR.

A visual must represent a work of art only. The CLIENT shall refrain from adding any information (image, text, logo, watermark, etc.) to a visual, as this might lead to its deletion, and authorizes the PUBLISHER to insert in this visual a "© vva" watermark, sufficiently discreet to allow the work represented to be appreciated and which does not grant the PUBLISHER any ownership on that work.

When the VISITOR hovers over or clicks on a visual, a tooltip displays a series of information, including the copyright associated with the artwork, in the form of "© artist's name - exhibition title - gallery name".

The visuals must be in jpg format, their respective sizes may not exceed 2 megabytes, and their names may contain a maximum of 25 unaccented alphanumeric characters.

Several visuals can be uploaded simultaneously. In this case, the overall size of the uploaded files cannot exceed 8 MB.

The PUBLISHER reserves the right to reduce the size of the visuals.

In order to give an overview of the works exhibited, a GALLERY can upload 10 visuals per artist and discipline (Therefore, in the case of an exhibition of N artists or of an artist in N disciplines, the GALLERY can upload N x 10 visuals.) The first 5 visuals will appear in the exhibition search form for the general public, while the complete series will be accessible to COLLECTORS and ARTISTS.

A COLLECTOR can upload 20 visuals per discipline, accessible to GALLERIES.

An ARTIST can upload 20 visuals per discipline, accessible to GALLERIES.

GALLERIES may upload a visual representing their logo or sign; this visual appears in the exhibition route summaries and allows the VISITOR to better identify the GALLERY during their walk. It must meet the same criteria as those applicable to visual works of art.

ARTICLE 5: Obtention of a CLIENT's contact details by another CLIENT

As the SITE is designed to enable a GALLERY to contact COLLECTORS and ARTISTS, and a COLLECTOR or ARTIST to contact GALLERIES, a CLIENT expressly agrees that their contact details may be communicated to another CLIENT and that they may appear in the latter's private space, under the conditions explained below.

Each obtention results in an exchange of contact details. When a CLIENT obtains the contact details of another CLIENT, the latter is informed by means of an electronic message. In addition, each CLIENT can find the contact details of the other CLIENT in their personal space on the SITE.

Article 8 lists the communicated information.

The obtention of contact details is subject to a quota, whose lifetime is unlimited and which decreases by one unit each time a CLIENT's coordinates are obtained.

Even if a CLIENT has reached their quota, their contact information can still be obtained by other CLIENTS, which are then added to the CLIENT's address book.

ARTISTS and COLLECTORS benefit from a quota of 5 units at registration, which is then increased by 5 units per month.

The GALLERIES benefit from a quota of 10 units at registration, both for COLLECTORS and ARTISTS, to which is added the number of days on which the GALLERY has presented at least one EXHIBITION within its own facilities that was initially publicized on the SITE and that has already ended.

The quota indicated in the CLIENT's space represents the difference between the quota calculated as indicated above and the number of CLIENTS whose contact details the CLIENT may have already obtained.

The SITE strives to connect CLIENTS with similar artistic tastes. However, the PUBLISHER does not guarantee to a CLIENT that the searches they perform will always return results, nor that the results potentially returned correspond to their expectations.

To be able to search for GALLERIES, an ARTIST or a COLLECTOR must have entered the information of at least one discipline.

ARTICLE 5.1 : How a CLIENT (ARTIST or COLLECTOR) can obtain the contact details of a GALLERY

Once connected with their username and password to their private space, the CLIENT can access the "Galleries" tab. Then, they can search for GALLERIES by choosing the "Search for galleries" button. The page that appears contains two sections. The first one contains the search criteria, while the other contains the exhibitions matching the search criteria. For each exhibition, the information displayed are the discipline and the artist's name along with any visuals that the GALLERY has loaded for that exhibition. Also, for each exhibition, the buttons "Yes" and "No" are available to the CLIENT. They can use the "Yes" button to indicate that they wish to obtain the details of the matching GALLERY. If they choose the "No" button, that exhibition will no longer be suggested to them. Once they have made their choices, they must choose the "Submit" button. They will then be redirected to the "Galleries" tab, where they can find, within the limits of the available quota, the details of the GALLERIES matching the exhibitions for which they chose "Yes", along with any matching visuals.

The attention of ARTISTS is drawn to the fact that GALLERIES can choose not to appear in the results of the searches made by ARTISTS.

ARTICLE 5.2 : How a GALLERY can obtain the contact details of a CLIENT (ARTIST or COLLECTOR)

Once connected with its username and password to its private space, the GALLERY can access the "Collectors" and "Artists" tabs. Then, it can search for COLLECTORS or ARTISTS by choosing the "Search for collectors" or "Search for artists" button. The page that appears contains two sections. The first one contains the search criteria, while the other contains the disciplines matching the search criteria. For each discipline, the information also includes any visuals that the CLIENT has loaded. Moreover, for each discipline, the buttons "Yes" and "No" are available to the GALLERY. It can use the "Yes" button to indicate that it wishes to obtain the details of the matching CLIENT. If it chooses the "No" button, that discipline will no longer be suggested to it. Once it has made its choices, it must choose the "Submit" button. It will then be redirected to the "Collectors" or "Artists" tab, where it can find, within the limits of the available quota, the details of the CLIENT matching the disciplines for which it chose "Yes", along with any matching visuals.

ARTICLE 6: Premium Mode and Standard mode (only for GALLERIES)

Once a GALLERY has paid a subscription, it uses the Premium mode by default, which offers it all the features described in these terms and conditions for one year, including the right to publicize EXHIBITIONS and to search for COLLECTORS and ARTISTS. In Standard mode, the expiry date of its subscription is postponed by a given number of days and the ARTIST and COLLECTOR search features are disabled.

When a GALLERY switches to the Standard mode, the initial expiry date of its subscription is postponed by the number of days remaining until that date. Therefore, if the GALLERY switches to the Standard mode just after paying its subscription, the expiry date is postponed by one year.

When a GALLERY switches back to the Premium mode, the initial expiry date is restored and the ARTISTS and COLLECTORS search features are reactivated.

A GALLERY can switch to either mode as long as the initial expiry date of its subscription has not passed.

Even if a GALLERY is in Standard mode, it can be part of the results of the searches made by COLLECTORS and ARTISTS.

ARTICLE 7: Referral (only for GALLERIES)

A GALLERY can sponsor any number of GALLERIES worldwide.

A GALLERY can only be sponsored by one other GALLERY.

Once a GALLERY's registration has been validated, it receives a referral code that it must communicate to the GALLERIES it wishes to sponsor. Those GALLERIES must include this code when they register.

When one GALLERY sponsors another, both benefit from free subscription periods that extend the subscription's expiry date.

The sponsoring GALLERY gets one month's free subscription for each GALLERY it sponsors when that GALLERY registers, and this is repeated each time the sponsored GALLERY renews its subscription. Under these conditions, if a GALLERY has N sposored GALLERIES, its subscription cycle is 12+N months.

The referred GALLERY gets one month's free subscription once its registration has been validated.

ARTICLE 8: Personal data

The WEBSITE assures the USER that all personal information is collected and processed with due respect for privacy in accordance with Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberty, as well as with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

The PUBLISHER and each USER undertake to communicate PERSONAL DATA only when they are necessary for the use of the SITE and after having ensured that these PERSONAL DATA have been collected in a lawful, fair and transparent manner, in accordance with the regulations. The PUBLISHER and each USER undertake in this respect to inform the persons from whom they have collected the PERSONAL DATA of the conditions of the processing carried out under these GCU, as referred to in Article 14 of the GDPR.

The PUBLISHER and each user undertake to use the PERSONAL DATA to which they have access only for the purposes relating to the use of the SITE and to keep such PERSONAL DATA only for the time necessary to pursue such purposes, to comply with legal obligations or to exercise legal rights.

In accordance with the Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberty Act of 6 January 1978 and the GDPR, the USER has the right to access, rectify, delete, object to, clear and transfer their personal data. The USER exercises this right with the person responsible for personal data:

Any USER's claims will be answered within one month of receipt of the request.

The USER has the possibility to exercise their rights before the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés) in case of use of their PERSONAL DATA contrary to the GDPR, without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial recourse.

The information of the GALLERIES communicated to the ARTISTS and COLLECTORS is the name, city, country, telephone and, possibly, e-mail address and website.

The information of the ARTISTS communicated to the GALLERIES is the last name, first name, city, country, and, possibly, e-mail address and website.

The information of the COLLECTORS communicated to the GALLERIES is the last name, first name, city, country, and e-mail address.

The information of the GALLERIES published in the EXHIBITIONS search page is the name, address, city, telephone and, possibly, e-mail address and website.

The e-mail addresses entered in the contact form on the home page are only used to reply to messages sent via this form. They are not used for any other purpose.

The PUBLISHER uses Stripe for payment, analytics, and other business services. Stripe collects transaction and personally identifying information, which it analyses and uses to operate and improve the services it provides to the PUBLISHER, including for fraud detection. The USER can learn more about Stripe and read its privacy policy at https://stripe.com/privacy.

ARTICLE 9: Intellectual Property

The brands, logos, signs and all the contents of the SITE (texts, images, sound, etc.) are protected under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright.

The VENI VIDI ARTI brand is a trademark of VENI VIDI ARTI SAS. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or exploitation, wholly or in part, of this trademark, of any nature whatsoever, is totally prohibited.

Except to print an itinerary of EXHIBITIONS, and provided that the printout obtained serves only as a support for the visit of EXHIBITIONS, the USER must request the prior authorization of the SITE for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents. They undertake to use the contents of the SITE in a strictly private context; any use for commercial and advertising purposes is strictly prohibited.

Any total or partial representation of this SITE by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the SITE operator, would constitute an infringement punishable by article L 335-2 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code.

In accordance with Article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, it is recalled that the USER who reproduces, copies or publishes the protected content must cite the author and their source.

The background image of the page that enables to look for exhibitions comes from https://pixabay.com/photos/cobblestone-cobbles-street-stone-581108/ and belongs to obsidianphotography.

ARTICLE 10: Liability

The sources of the information published on the SITE are considered reliable, but the SITE does not guarantee that it is free of defects, errors or omissions.

The PUBLISHER does not guarantee the availability or accuracy of information from third party sites, including maps illustrating EXHIBITIONS and EXHIBITION itineraries.

The itineraries include EXHIBITIONS located close to each other, but do not indicate the route to follow to go from one to the other; the choice of route and the difficulties or obstacles possibly present on it shall not be the responsibility of the PUBLISHER.

The information and/or documents available on the SITE are subject to change at any time, and may have been updated. In particular, they may have been updated between the time they are downloaded and the time the USER becomes aware of them.

The information provided is presented for information purposes and as a general guide only, without contractual value. Despite regular updates, the PUBLISHER cannot be held responsible for any changes in administrative and legal provisions that occur after publication. Likewise, the PUBLISHER cannot be held responsible for the use and interpretation of the information contained in the SITE.

Any event due to a case of force majeure resulting in a malfunction of the SITE or server and subject to any interruption or modification in the event of maintenance, does not engage the responsibility of the PUBLISHER. In such cases, the USER thus agrees not to hold the PUBLISHER liable for any interruption or suspension of service, even without notice.

The PUBLISHER makes every effort to protect CUSTOMER data stored on its information system. However, since the Internet is not a completely reliable network, the PUBLISHER cannot be held responsible for any alteration of data during its transmission over the Internet.

The SITE cannot be held responsible for any viruses that may infect the Internet user's computer or any computer equipment as a result of using, accessing or downloading from this site.

The SITE cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure or the unforeseeable and insurmountable event of a third party.

The CLIENT ensures that their password is kept secret. Any disclosure of the password, in any form, is prohibited. The CLIENT assumes the risks associated with the use of their username and password. The SITE declines all responsibility.

ARTICLE 11: Hypertext links

Hypertext links may be present on the SITE. The USER is informed that by clicking on these links, they will leave the SITE. The latter has no control over the web pages to which these links lead and cannot, under any circumstances, be held responsible for their content.

ARTICLE 12: Cookies

The USER is informed that during their visits to the SITE, a cookie may be automatically installed on their browser software.

Cookies are small files that are temporarily stored on the USER's computer hard drive by the browser and are necessary for the use of the SITE. A cookie does not contain personal information and cannot be used to identify anyone.

By browsing the SITE, the USER accepts cookies.

In the absence of acceptance, the USER is informed that certain features or pages may be inaccessible.

The SITE uses only cookies that are essential for its proper functioning.

The USER may disable cookies by using the settings in their browser software.

ARTICLE 13: Javascript

To facilitate the USER's navigation on the SITE and the use of all its functionalities, the SITE uses Javascript functionality. It is therefore not recommended that the USER disable it.

ARTICLE 14: Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

French law applies to this contract. In the absence of an amicable resolution of a dispute between the parties, only the French courts are qualified to deal with that dispute. For any question relating to the application of these T&Cs, you may contact the PUBLISHER through the contact details listed in the "Legal notices" of the home page.

ARTICLE 15: Languages of communication

The languages of communication between the PUBLISHER and the USERS are French, English and Spanish.

ARTICLE 16: Applicable language

In the event that these conditions are translated into languages other than French, the conditions written in French shall prevail.

ARTICLE 17: Miscellaneous provisions

These T&Cs constitute the entire agreement between the USER and the PUBLISHER.

If any part of the T&Cs is found to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain applicable.